A partner for effective communication on foreign markets
A study conducted by the European Community, the ELAN (“Effects on the European Economy of Shortages of Foreign Language Skills in Enterprise”) study, revealed that about 11% of Europe’s exporter firms believe they have lost business opportunities due to the lack of language and intercultural communications skills.
The ability to communicate effectively across language and cultural barriers is vitally important for companies wishing to consolidate or expand their shares of foreign markets. Ineffective communications, or the failure to communicate at all in some languages, mean the loss of business opportunities which will be taken up by the organisations that communicate best on the European and extra-European markets.
Multilingue s.r.l. is a trusted partner for firms wishing to ensure that their communications on foreign markets are always up to the required standard.
Any language, any sector, any format
With Multilingue s.r.l. you can count on a reliable partner with more than thirty years’ experience in the translation of technical, advertising, financial, legal, scientific and literary texts in more than 100 language combinations.
Translations are made by highly qualified native-speaker personnel with sector-specific expertise and undergo various types of quality control depending on their intended uses.
The creation and use of glossaries for the various sectors, reference to the main international standards, continual liaison with the client and the sourcing and examination of documentation on the specific topics are all part of our normal working procedures.
Working procedures also include the use of TM (Translation Memory) programmes that “recycle” previously translated texts, improving consistency of terminology and helping to reduce costs and delivery times.
Multilingue s.r.l. is capable of managing even complex translation projects, through the involvement of a large number of different professionals: translators, terminologists, copywriters, graphic designers and Desktop Publishing and IT experts.
Certified quality for a quality service
Multilingue s.r.l. operates a Quality System compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. It also holds certification under UNI EN 17100:2017 , a standard that sets the prerequisites for the provision of quality translation services.
Request a quotation or contact us to arrange a meeting: you will discover the benefits of having Multilingue as your foreign communications partner.